Kakao Talk1) has the largest application market share in Korea for three reasons.
First of all, launching period of Kakao Talk was perfect and timely. For example, it had been launched in 2010, when smart phone boom had begun in Korea. Naturally, it has attracted to people as early messenger. Also, it has released PC version in 2013, when PC messengers had been declining such as MSN, Nate On and etc. It allowed to Kakao Talk to monopolize PC messenger too.
Second, it is easy to use for various people. For example, Kakao Talk has minimized registration process. When you start Kakao Talk at first, only thing you need is your phone number. Then, Kakao Talk helps you to add friends automatically by using your phone directory. Also, it has simple interface. When you chat with your friend, it only shows you a profile picture, name and messages of your friend.
Lastly, Kakao Talk has various functions. For example, it has helpful functions for chatting. It enables you to check whether your friend reads your message or not, and it permits you to make group chatting rooms. Another exmample is that Kakao Talk has linkage with other applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Myspace and etc. You can play games that cooperated with Kakao Talk or shop with your Kakao Talk ID. In addition, it allows you to share information with most of applications.
With those reasons, Kakao Talk has become an ordinary application that is used by most of Korean.
1) Kakao Talk is global free mobile SMS service that is provided by Kakao Co., Ltd.
Foot note about Kakao Talk : (http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=2066640&cid=42107&categoryId=42107)
Kakao Talk Image : (http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=105&oid=014&aid=0002578533)
Hi Wonsik,
답글삭제Your topic is very interesting because Kakao Talk is familiar application to the people. I think, however, your two reasons are not enough to explain why Kakao Talk has the largest application market share in Korea. Because your reasons are focused on basic functions of Kakao Talk, and there are another applications having similar functions, you may as well add some other reasons such as marketing. Anyway, it's really interesting to read your writing. I hope my comment is helpful.
Best wishes,
Hi Wonsik,
답글삭제Like you mentioned in your writing, I agree that minimised registration process must have made it easier for users to get access to it so it probably drew more people into their user line. I find it interesting to trace what kakaotalk is doing at the moment but I think it might have been more informative if you added some more functions that is exclusively possible only in Kakaotalk since I can think some other messengers where you find some similar function/ benefits as ones from kakao. Still I like how concisely you convey the key points of kakaotalk.
Dear Wonsik,
답글삭제I like your topic. I used Kakaotalk even before I read this essay. I also think this application is the most familiar one for smartphone users. However, I think maybe there are more reasons that Kakaotalk has the largest market. There are many messenger applications like Tiktok, Line. Even though Line has real-time language translations service and sharing picture service like facebook timeline, many people use Kakaotalk than Line. I think it will be better if you add more reasons why it has the largest market. I think it is really really interesting topic and I enjoy your essay!
Have a good day!
Hello Won Sik,
답글삭제Your post is interesting! Although Kakao Talk is known for almost people, you write interesting paragraph. You say Kakao Talk has minimized registration so every person access very easy. KaKao Talk is linked for many communication too. Anyway, I think it's better you write one more reason. Just two reasons are a little bit short.